Monday 4 June 2012

The Royal Family - Just A Bunch Of Freeloaders

This weekend has been The Queens Diamond Jubilee to celebrate 60 years on the throne and the dear old lady has kindly given us an extra two days onto our weekend. Thanks Liz I do appreciate it but to be honest I don't really care about you all that much and I'm going to try and explain why.
To me, the Royal Family members have struck it lucky, they have been born into a family of wealth and status and we are told to love them and that they are fantastic. That is really my problem, they are born into a life of privilege and have a head start and advantage over everyone else. I do realise some families are going to have more money that others but The Royal Family have hardly worked hard for years to build up a company or climb up the greasy ladder in the business world. Liz just like Charlie, Wills and Harry were born into this and the cycle will continue. They get the best food, health care and education. They can't really screw up and if they do it doesn't matter because they are minted.

When ever I moan about The Royal Family, people always say William and Harry do work for a living. I can't argue with that but to me its just PR, its just an exercise to prove that they are normal so The Royal Family can continue to exist in the way it does so they can be in touch with the common man and woman. How many helicopter pilots does the average Joe know? They get these fantastic jobs because they were born into some lucky royal lineage so they had way more opportunities than the rest of us. Why don't they give up their entitlements they earned through hereditary birth right and just be normal if that is what they want to do?

I also realise the Royals do do a lot of good. I can't knock The Princes Trust or the charity work they do and I'm sure they are all generally normal people . I really don't think its fair that we live in a world where a select few get a plush life, just because of a hereditary line that entitles them to a life of wonderful opportunity while normal folk have to earn it rather than be given it all on a silver platter.

So should we get rid of them? To be honest its not just down to me, I do believe in democracy so the nation should have a vote if we were ever given the chance but if we were to be given the vote I would certainly vote to abolish them and have them all sent to a council estate where they could really appreciate the common person!

I hope I have explained my self, I'm sure I have missed many points if you were to ask me in person I could probably go on a lot more about this but ill let you enjoy your evening!

C ya later!